Thursday, September 13, 2012

Incident Mar. 14, 2012 - Florida - Nick Romano

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Nick Romano, 17, was surfing in chest-deep water near the jetty at popular New Smyrna Beach in Florida, when a shark bit him on the back of his leg.

"I sat on my board and felt this tug, and I kind of jerked over and the shark bit on my leg. He said his first reaction was to try to bat the shark away. "I caught his tail, and I kind of pushed him off."

Romano recieved nasty lacerations to his calf. He was able to drive himself to the hospital and was released later that same night. Romano needed 17 stitches to close the eight inch gash on his calf. Here is video interview done by WFTV Channel 9 with Nick Romano.

Minutes after Romano was bitten, 15-year-old Sydney Levy was also attacked by a shark. The most likely suspects are Bull sharks.

There are more incidents of shark attacks in the concentrated area of New Smyrna Beach than any similar length of coastline in the world.


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