Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Fatal Incident Jan. 15, 2012 - South Africa - Lungisani Msungubana

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January 15, 2012
Lungisani Msungubana
Second Beach, Port St. Johns, South Africa
Fatal Attack

25 year old Lungisani Msungubana was swimming with friends in chest deep water when he was suddenly and violently attacked by a Bull shark (also known as a Zambezi in South Africa). One arm was almost completely severed and he sustained deep wounds to his chest and stomach. Lifeguards were able to pull him into shore but sadly he died from his injuries on the scene.

Second Beach is being called the 'deadliest beach in the world' by some people. The South African average fatality rate from shark attacks is 1 in 5 but at Second Beach in Port St. Johns every attack has ended in death. Since 2007 there have been 6 fatalities from shark attacks, one every year.



I found a video clip with pictures here. The pictures are blurred out, but it is still pretty graphic and very, very sad.

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